Community Documentary is an advanced documentary production class in which students produce projects in conjunction with a community organization in the Trenton/Ewing area. In the fall of 2018, the class worked with community partner Sam Kanig of Casa Cultura, Ann Warner Ault (World Languages) and Rob McGreevey (History) to produce oral histories with Puerto Rican artists from Trenton, as part of a larger project documenting the history of Puerto Ricans in the capital city.
The objective of the class is not only to refine technical skills in documentary filmmaking, but also to challenge the students to learn more about the community they are representing and their responsibilities as filmmakers.
These videos were shot and edited by the following students: Connor Chemris, Treasure Davis, Keryn Fitzpatrick, Austin Hill, Brianna Jackson, Thomas Matis, Ashlyn Moreen, Ryan Soldati, Wilmer Novas-Reyes, Ian Salzman, and Tiffany Spooner